My grandmother is near the end of her life and every time I have a dream about her, I wake up wondering if today is the day. She has impressively outlived pretty much all of her family members including one of her children.
Last night I got this book in the mail.
And then, of course, I had a dream about her. I was at her house with my mom (something that actually took place back in January) puttering around. At some point I remember taking a bunch of slices of watercolor paper and putting them in my suitcase (no idea). Then we were going to church in a taxi, except I had to sit outside in the back-maybe it was a pickup truck?
On my last visit back in January, I took a walk around the neighborhood and realized how close the church actually was to my grandmother's place and wondered why we almost always took the church van there rather than walked. The van never went directly there even though we were so close so it always felt so far away.
So in this dream as we arrived, there was this Japanese guy in traditional farmer clothes who at first I thought was attending the church, but he was actually there to tend the garden. We went inside and my grandmother went to sit with the other deacons or whatever they're called in the right section. I was still distracted by the gardener, but then went inside to sit next to my grandmother in the middle section. Later I realized she somehow became 2 separate people. Either that or I was actually sitting with my mother. Who knows?
For some reason I got up and went to see the gardener. He was leaving. I can't remember if I talked to him or not. I returned back to the church and a couple of people got up for me to return to my seat. Then I woke up.
So it was my typical huh? dream. One of the amusing things that happened on a trip a few years ago was how people thought I was my mother. I didn't think I looked that much like my mother. I know I do kind of sound like her, much to my annoyance. Who wants to sound like anyone else?
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