Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Leaving Lynn

So, as I hinted in the last post, I am indeed moving! I am moving to Lowell! When my noisy neighbors get to me, I find myself doing searches on craigslist and google. At some point in January just before I headed to Dublin, I came across the Western Avenue Lofts project. Essentially there is an incredibly successful complex of artist studios in Lowell called Western Avenue Studios and they decided to take over another building and carve out 50 live/work spaces. It is open to artists only and there are no income restrictions. Perfect for me!

But on top of that, the apartments will be delivered fairly raw with a minimal kitchen and bathroom. The walls come only primed, so residents get to paint and do pretty much whatever they want to the place. And not only do they allow us to go crazy inside, but they also want us to decorate the hallway outside of the apartment. When you walk the halls of the studio buildings you get a sense of the individual identities of the artists and they want to continue that. 

The apartments are still under construction, but I've been able to make a couple of visits and see the progress they're making. I totally can't wait to move in! I've already been very obsessed with how I will decorate and arrange things. I'm essentially doubling the amount of space I have. Also I will be participating in the monthly open studios so that will force me to do two things: keep the place clean and stay productive with my artwork. I've been slacking off the past few months, partly due to the new gig and partly due to the mild winter. Last year's snow storms totally kept me at my work table. This year, not so much. But I've got big plans and finally I will have the space to execute them, not to mention a supportive and thriving artists community. I feel so incredibly lucky to have found this place and to honor that I'll be working harder than ever!

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